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The Attempted Assassination of Former President Trump: A Comprehensive Analysis


In a shocking and unsettling event, an assassination attempt on former President Trump took place, sparking widespread concern and highlighting potential lapses in security protocols. This article delves into the incident, examining the contributing factors, the responses, and the broader implications for presidential security.

Former President Donald Trump is rushed offstage during a rally in Butler, Pa. Evan Vucci/AP
Former President Donald Trump is rushed offstage during a rally in Butler, Pa. Evan Vucci/AP

Understanding the Incident

The attempted assassination unfolded in a manner that has raised serious questions about the efficiency and preparedness of the security detail assigned to protect the former President. The most unsettling aspect is the balance of Occam's Razor and Hanlon's Razor in interpreting the events. Occam's Razor suggests the simplest explanation is often correct, while Hanlon's Razor advises against attributing to malice what can be explained by stupidity. In this case, a mix of incompetence and negligence seems to be at play.

A Historical Perspective

To fully grasp the gravity of the situation, we must look back over the past three years to understand the changes and decisions that have shaped the current state of presidential security. From personnel selection and training to authorization and overall organizational integrity, several factors have contributed to the erosion of a once-robust security system.

A Close Call

On the day of the incident, it was mere luck and perhaps divine intervention that saved former President Trump's life. As the bullet narrowly missed him, it became clear that the failure was not due to any heroic action by the security personnel but rather a stroke of luck. This chilling reality underscores the severity of the security breach.

Evaluating the Security Detail

In the past, the presidential security detail was renowned for its competence and thoroughness. It was considered the gold standard in protective services. However, the current state of affairs reveals a stark contrast. The detail on the day of the assassination attempt comprised a mix of federal, state, and local law enforcement, many of whom were ill-prepared and inadequately trained for such a high-stakes responsibility.

Chain of Command and Responsibilities

At the heart of the issue is the chain of command and the effectiveness of the Incident Command System (ICS). The Ground Force Commander, responsible for leveraging and identifying threats, should have coordinated a seamless security operation. However, the lack of coordination and preparedness was evident, with key security measures either overlooked or inadequately implemented.

Requests for Additional Security

It has come to light that former President Trump's campaign had repeatedly requested additional security, which was denied by the Department of Homeland Security. This denial, coupled with the insufficient security measures in place, contributed to the vulnerability that nearly cost the former President his life.

The Role of Malice vs. Incompetence

The spectrum of Hanlon's Razor ranges from mere incompetence to outright complicity. If those in charge were aware of the ineptitude within their ranks yet did nothing to address it, the issue moves from negligence to malice. This possibility raises alarming questions about the integrity and intentions of those responsible for presidential security.

Technical and Tactical Considerations

The shooter, positioned at a building with a clear line of sight to the President, managed to take a shot from a distance of about 150 yards. This distance, easily within the capability of even a novice shooter, underscores the glaring oversight in securing the perimeter. The building's proximity and the ease with which the shooter accessed it reflect a catastrophic failure in threat assessment and mitigation.

Disappearing Evidence

Adding to the intrigue, certain photos and accounts of the incident have mysteriously disappeared from the public domain. Initial images of the shooter and his weapon, an AR-15, were available but later vanished. This disappearance fuels speculation and raises questions about the transparency and thoroughness of the investigation.

Step-by-Step Rundown of the Shooting

An Aerial view shows the site during the police investigation into gunfire at a campaign rally of Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump, in Butler, Pa.,July 14 2024
An Aerial view shows the site during the police investigation into gunfire at a campaign rally of Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump, in Butler, Pa.,July 14 2024

Background and Setup

  • The shooter climbed a building with a negative pitch roof, using a fixed ladder already in place.

  • The rooftop provided perfect cover, with limited visibility from most angles, making it an ideal spot for an assassin.

  • The security team had previously identified this building as a potential threat due to its vantage point, marking it on their range cards.

Incident Unfolds

  • The shooter, a young man, was spotted by rally attendees as he climbed the building with a rifle.

  • Despite frantic calls to law enforcement, it took four minutes for a local officer to respond.

  • The officer briefly encountered the shooter but retreated upon seeing the weapon.

Shooting Commences

  • The shooter's encounter with the officer likely triggered his decision to start firing.

  • Confusion ensued as multiple law enforcement agencies, operating on different communication frequencies, struggled to coordinate a response.

  • The Secret Service snipers, part of a counter-sniper team,As well as a SWAT Sniper team took around 40 seconds to focus on the shooter’s location.

  • The team included a sniper and a spotter, both highly skilled and equipped with advanced, high-quality gear.

Communication Challenges

  • Various law enforcement entities, from mall guards to state officers, used different communication systems, complicating coordination.

  • The chain of command involved embedding representatives from each unit to streamline communication, but delays still occurred.

  • Communication during high-stakes operations like the recent rooftop engagement is complex and critical. Secret Service agents use multiple radio channels to avoid interference, but this can delay crucial information sharing. Local law enforcement communicates with the Tactical Operations Center, which relays messages to the Secret Service liaison, creating potential delays.

What Was the Counter-Sniper Thinking?

The Scenario

In a tense and highly charged environment, a Secret Service counter-sniper team must constantly be on high alert, scanning for potential threats to their principal. The role demands precision, quick judgment, and a deep understanding of the environment and potential risks.

Communication and Coordination

The sniper team operates with a Grid Reference Guide (GRG), which numbers all buildings in their sector. This guide helps them quickly identify and communicate about specific locations. The sniper and his spotter work in unison, using different magnifications to cover the same area from slightly different perspectives, allowing them to process information simultaneously and anticipate threats effectively.

The Team Dynamics

The relationship between a sniper and his spotter is one of deep trust and familiarity. They know each other's habits, reactions, and even anxieties, enabling them to work together almost intuitively. This cohesion is crucial for their effectiveness in high-stress situations where split-second decisions can mean life or death.

The Incident

During the rally, a young man was seen climbing onto a rooftop with a rifle. Despite being spotted by the crowd and law enforcement taking several minutes to respond, the shooter managed to reach the rooftop. The Secret Service snipers were already aware of the building's potential threat due to its vantage point and had it marked on their range cards. However, they faced challenges from ricochets and hydraulic line hits, preventing them from taking a clear shot at the perpetrator. According to recent reports, it was not the Secret Service sniper team that took the shot. Instead, a SWAT sniper team from a nearby building executed a remarkable shot, hitting a small portion of the suspect's head from a significant distance. The shooter had to account for environmental factors, including wind shifts, which ultimately saved the target's life. This incident highlighted severe communication breakdowns and complacency within the operation. For a detailed analysis, check out the comprehensive breakdown by Fieldcraft Survival on their YouTube channel.

Decision to Engage

The sniper team's hesitation and ultimate decision to engage can be attributed to a complex mix of factors:

  • Protocol and Authority: The team has the authority to engage a confirmed threat but must exercise extreme caution to avoid collateral damage or mistaken identity.

  • Confidence and Training: Recent political and social pressures on law enforcement might have influenced their initial hesitation. Confidence in pulling the trigger has been eroded due to fear of repercussions from potential misjudgments.

  • Communication Breakdown: Different law enforcement agencies were operating on various frequencies, leading to delays and confusion in relaying critical information.

The Aftermath

Once the shooter started firing, the sniper team responded decisively. Their training and equipment allowed them to quickly zero in on the threat, but the initial hesitation underscored the complexity and high stakes of their role. The ability to anticipate and react to threats before they fully materialize is what makes counter-sniper teams indispensable, yet their actions are constantly scrutinized, requiring a delicate balance between assertiveness and caution. Additionally, there have been controversies about the preparedness and actions of some Secret Service agents, including a secret service woman criticized for her handling of equipment during the incident.

Trumps Fighting Spirit

In a dramatic scene, former President Trump experienced a chaotic exfiltration after being knocked to the floor with enough force to lose his shoes, yet he insisted on getting a photo taken despite a bruised arm and blood running down his face. This display showcased a resilience and determination that revealed a new side of Trump, prompting admiration even from skeptical observers and drawing comparisons to historical figures like Ronald Reagan, whose composed defiance in adversity added a layer of complexity to Trump's character.


The attempted assassination of former President Trump serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of maintaining rigorous security protocols for high-profile individuals. This incident has exposed significant weaknesses in the current system, necessitating a thorough review and overhaul of security measures to prevent such lapses in the future. The shooting incident revealed a chaotic convergence of security oversights and communication breakdowns. Despite the sophisticated equipment and training of the counter-sniper team, their initial hesitation and disjointed response contributed to the delay in neutralizing the threat. This highlights the intricate dynamics and immense pressures faced by counter-sniper teams, whose effectiveness depends on both their skills and equipment, as well as seamless communication and unwavering judgment. As political and social climates evolve, these teams must adapt while maintaining their critical protective role.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any agency, organization, employer, or company. The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, medical, or professional advice. Readers are encouraged to seek independent advice or consult relevant authorities for specific questions or concerns related to the content discussed.

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